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Induction type Instruments




           When a disc or drum of a non-magnetic conducting material is placed in a rotating magnetic field, eddy currents are induced in disc or drum. The torque produces with the reaction of rotating magnetic field and eddy current. The relation between torque, eddy current, rotating flux is given below:
                          T α φ α i^2


                 This instrument convert single phase to two phases. This is also called ferraris type instrument

*It consists of pole which are laminated and placed right angles to each other opposite pole connected in series the two pairs of poles connected in parallel.

*One set of coil is connected to inductance and another with a high resistance to create a phase difference 90. The purpose of both the coils is to measure the current.

*In the centre of yoke, the coil is an aluminium drum, inside drum, to strengthen the magnetic field there is a cylindrical laminated iron core.


      When this instrument is fed with supply due to electromagnets action a rotating magnetic action a rotating magnetic flux produced. This flux induced eddy current in the disc or drum. The reaction between flux and eddy current results in production of torque. This torque deflects the pointer attached to the drum. The controlling torque is provided by spring action.



           When a disc or drum of a non-magnetic conducting material is placed in a rotating magnetic field, eddy currents are induced in disc or drum. The torque produces with the reaction of rotating magnetic field and eddy current. The relation between torque, eddy current, rotating flux is given below:
                          T α φ α i^2


   This instrument consists of magnetic core (shaped same as transformer). One end is placed with band of copper(shaded portion), this makes the two fluxes of shaded and unshaded portion of differ in phase by 90.

*A metallic disc rotates between pole faces. The damping is provided by the another magnet. Observe below figure.


   When the instrument is fed with the supply the coil sets up flux, eddy currents are induced in copper bands. Now there are two different fluxes one at coil and other at magnetic core. These two fluxes differ by a phase of 90. Flux of eddy current opposes the flux of magnetic core the remaining working is same as split phase.


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