8051 Microcontroller block diagram


Microcontrollers is an integrated chip containing all components which mainly includes CPU, RAM, ROM,I/O ports and timers. Microcontrollers have wide applications in embedded system such as personal computers and other researching works etc.

Block diagram:

  The block diagram of a microcontroller express the inner functioning if memory segmentation and logical operations.

 In one chip all the microcontroller components are built. The components of microcontroller are


        CPU mean Central Processing Unit. It is the brain for microcontroller. The CPU us inbuilt with elements and controls all the operations.

The elements inbuilt in CPU are

ALU:   Arthematic logic unit which performs the mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and also performs logical operations such as AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND.

Program counter:  It stores the 16-bit data address and keep in track of the program sequence.

Stack pointer:  Pointer is a variable which stores the address of another variable. The stack pointer stores up to 8-bit address where the last data was stored.

Accumulator:  It is a register with 8-bit which perform the action of automatic storage of any mathematical operation.

Registers:  Registers are the storaging  unit. There ate number if registers in CPU which stores the various data, the registers mainly used are general purpose registers.

Timing & Control: The timing and control perform the internal operation with frequency of clock signal and data flow control of microcontroller.

2.Oscillator circuit:

        Oscillator circuit is also known as clock generator which generates the clock pulses to perform the microcontroller operation. Oscillator circuit inbuilt with many electrical components and frequency resonator. This frequency resonator decides the functioning speed and clock pulse frequency.

3.Internal ROM and RAM:

       In a microcontroller chip certain amount of memory is provided which stores data and programming code. This memory is named as chip memory.

ROM: Read only memory is the on chip memory which stores the program instructions and it reads the program when device in running condition.

RAM: Random access memory is on chip memory, it stores the data. This is also known as on chip data memory.

4.Timers and Counters:

     These are 2 byte registers used in program to determine the time period or calculation of number of events such as Pulse width measurement, frequency measurement, pulses counting etc..

5.Interrupt logic circuitry:

        It is a logic circuit which senses interrupts in microcontroller. This logic circuit consists of interrupt enable register, interrupt priority registers and other elements.

 6.Serial and parallel I/O ports:
             Microcontroller consists of serial I/O ports which the external devices can be interfaced to microcontroller and transfers the data in bit and byte forms respectively.

Features of 8051:

*This microcontroller has 4096 bytes of ROM and 128 bytes of RAM.

*8051  has 16-bit timers/counters, 32-bit bidirectional I/O line organized as four 8-bit parts.

*It posses four register banks and have direct byte and bit address ability.

*With 12MHZ crystal, it posses one microsecond instruction cycle.

*It posses two level prioritized interrupt structure.

*128 user defined software flags are available

*It consist of multiple mode, high speed programble serial port, parity computing features.


1.Microcontroller inbuilt with RAM, ROM and peripheral devices

2.The size of PCB for microcontroller is less due to less hardware requirements.

3.The cost is less due to less requirements of hardware

4.It consists of many bit handling functions so controlling is more 

5.The puns in microcontroller are multi-functioned

6.The speed of operation is high

7.There is availability of common software/hardware near manufacturers.

Differences between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers:

It consists of ALU, control unit, register and interrupt circuit
It consists of ROM, RAM, I/O interfacing unit and other peripheral devices
For supporting the data handling bits only few instructions are available
The data handling is supported by many instructions which are existed
Multi-functioned pins are less
More number of multi-functioned pins are present
Data and program addressing modes are same
Data and program addressing modes are different
The time delay is more to access memory and I/O devices
The time delay is less
More hardware components are required hence cost is high
Less hardware components are required hence cost is low
There is a flexible designing
The designing is typical and complex
It is not easily synchronize the communication between the peripherals of different speeds.
It is easily synchronize the communication between the peripherals of different speeds.



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