LVDT abbreviated as Linear Variable Differential Transformer. It is an electrical transformer containing a separable non conducting type of core.

Operating principle:

     The LVDT works on the principle if mutual inductance, when the primary winding of transformer is supplied by the AC voltage source, the alternating magnetic field induces voltage in secondary winding.


     A LVDT consists of one primary and two secondary windings with equal number of turns ratio which is wound on a cylindrical former. The two secondary windings are in series opposition and placed on either side of primary winding for AC excitation. A soft iron core which is movable is placed with in the cylindrical former.


    The output voltage Vo is obtained due to the displacement applied to the arm of the core. From circuit the output voltage of secondary winding S1 is Vs1 and output voltage of secondary winding  S2 is Vs2. The secondary windings are in series opposition connection, the differential output voltage is given as  Vo = Vs1 - Vs2.

*When core is placed symmetrically with respect to secondary winding an equal amount of voltage will be induced hence null position (output voltage becomes zero)  is obtained.
          Vs1 =  Vs2 then Vo = 0

*If core moved up from null position the more voltage is induced in S1 due to magnetic flux links hence the output voltage is given as Vo = Vs1 - Vs2.

*If core moved down from null position the voltage is induced in S2 is more due to magnetic flux links hence the output voltage is given as Vo = Vs2 – Vs1 which is 180° out of phase with primary voltage.


1.It has good linearity in output voltages
2.Very high range displacements are measured
3.It has high sensitivity and low hysteresis
4.It consumes less power about <1W
5.It does not require amplification devices
6.The construction is rugged and simple to with stand the high degree of shocks and vibrations
7.No friction problem due to no sliding contact
8.The operating temperature range is as high as +600°C and as low as -265°C.


1.It has limited dynamic response
2.It requires large displacement to provide high differential output
3.Easily effected by temperature variations
4.It is sensitive to stray magnetic fields
5.It requires demodulator circuit when the device operates on DC


1.Force and vibrations are measured by using LVDT
2.It is used in ballisto cardiography.
3.It also monitors fluid level in hydraulic systems
4.It also detect money in ATM's
5.Used to measure tension in a Cord
6.Used in railways for automatic open and closed gates
7.Used for measuring weights and pressure
8.Used to measure and control the thickness of metal steel being rolled.



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