Transducers characteristics and sensitivity

Characteristics of Transducers

  Input characteristics:

    There are three factors which influence the input characteristics of the transducer.

1.Type of input:

      A transducer is based on input. There are different types of transducers are available which measures the different quantities. Pressure transducer measures pressure, Temperature transducer measures temperature.

 2.Operating range:

        For every device there is a certain operating range if it range exceeds the device gets damaged. The transducer error and transducer limits are responsible for operating range.

 3. Loading effects:

      Loading effects mean a device draws some amount if energy or power from the quantity to be measured to carry its operation. This leads to inaccurate measurement. Hence transducer must be from loading effect for accurate measurement.

Output characteristics

1.Type of electrical output:

              Electrical output is one of the important characteristic, for transducer the output is voltage, current and impedance etc. A transducer output may be compatible by adding subsequent stages a signal conditioning circuit is used which converts output into different forms. So signal conditioning is selected based on output requirements.

2.Output range:

     Basically the output range if transducer are very low hence these are not allowed to drive the system due to low signal level and noise distortion. To overcome such problem transducer is inbuilt with amplifier at output which strengthen the signal level.

3. Output impedance:

    The loading effect of transducer decreases with decreasing the output impedance.

* A transducer acts as a constant voltage source if its output impedance is lower than input input impedance.

* A transducer acts as a constant current source if its output is  current and output impedance higher than input impedance.

* When input impedance is equal to output impedance maximum power transfer takes place.


 For any application, the performing device selection is the important aspect. The factors that are taken into consideration for selection if transducer are:

1.Principle of operation:

            The transducers are selected depending upon operating principle used for transducer at the time of selection are resistance, capacitance, inductance, piezoelectric, optoelectronic principle etc.

2.Operating range:

   For every device there is a operating limit. If the limit exceeds the instruments gets damaged, beyond that limit it gives successful output. So every transducer provided with rating based on output requirement different ranges are choosen.


     It is the important desirable characteristic. If the transducer absence with frequent calibration it will give high accuracy. The errors are occurred due to sensitivity.


     It is also a desirable characteristic. Every device should perform the sensitivity for the reasonable output. So transducer has sensitivity to provide some output which is sufficient.

5.Stability and reliability:
      The stability and reliability are the most important aspects. The transducer has high degree of stability and reliability during its function and also storage period.

6.Transient and frequency response:

             The transducer should require time domain and frequency domain specifications such as settling time, rising time, peak overshoot and small dynamic error etc.

7.Loading effects:
             Loading effect decreases the performance of transducer. So it should maintain minimum position loading effects occurs when output impedance is high. To overcome this the transducer should have low output impedance and high input impedance.

8.Electrical parameters:

               The parameters such as cable length and noise ratio are taken into consideration, to avoid this transducers are provided with amplifiers.

9. Static characteristics:

            The transducer should consists if low hysteresis, high linearity, high resolution, environment compatibility etc.

10. Usage and ruggedness:

               Depending upon the application if consumer usage the type of transducer us used for low power application, the size and ratings of transducer are low. For high power applications, the size and ratings are high.



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